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Official Agent

The search for passion and entrepreneurship inspires us to invite you to become our partner in the expansion of exclusive Evanyrouse furniture.

    Already an Official Evanyrouse Agent?

    From professional to professional

    The best

    At the forefront of design

    The Brand and its Strategic Vision Visão Estratégica

    We are one of the leading global names in premium furniture.

    We seek to satisfy the specific needs of each Official Agent, in an increasingly demanding and competitive market, using a multidisciplinary customer-oriented team, committed to create value, and focused on brand excellence.

    Become an Official Agent

    Successful Alliances:

    Customized Solutions
    Own Manufacture
    Quality Control
    Exclusive Products for Official Agents

    We are proud to establish successful alliances, focusing on long-term partnerships, sustained in a strong and close relation, in a mutual effort, in that all parties involved benefit.

    Be a part

    +3OO partners,
    4 continents

    Do you have any questions?

    Talk to us without any commitment.
    Get in touch. Send email to [email protected] Envie email para [email protected]